Parent Teacher Fellowship

A Cord of Three Strands

Parents, church, and school are vital strands in the successful nurture of Christian children. The Parent Teacher Fellowship is a strong and supportive base of parent volunteers who work with and on behalf of our parents to provide the vital bond with school and church. Guided by biblical principles, our PTF seeks our Lord’s divine guidance for our students’ spiritual, physical, mental, and social growth and well-being.

The PTF meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. Please see the school calendar for exact dates.

Prayer Group

Moms in Prayer International

Come pray and see how God’s power is unleashed as women gather one hour each week to impact their children and school for Christ. We pray Scripturally and specifically for students, teachers/staff and King’s families. All King’s women (moms, grandmas, aunts, teachers/staff) are welcome to join us on Wednesdays at 2pm. Our prayer time is confidential to ensure trust and respect.

For more information or to send prayer requests, please email us at tkcsprayergroup@yahoo.com.

Gracious God, may the staff and students at TKCS walk before You faithfully and with wholehearted devotion and do what is good in Your eyes. From Isaiah 38:3


Throughout the year, the PTF supports the mission of the school through fundraising events. Through its fundraising efforts, the PTF has been able to provide state-of-the-art student computers for our library, Chromebooks for the elementary school, improvements to the school’s playground as well as other facility improvements. The PTF also funds an annual scholarship for graduating seniors.

Relationship-Building Events

The PTF hosts relationship-building events for our students such as the Butterfly Ball, Night with Your Knight, Pancakes & Pajamas Breakfast, and catered lunches at Thanksgiving and Easter. For parents and families we host the Boohoo Breakfast and Family Skate nights and for our staff we host luncheons and provide other treats throughout the year. [Event calendar]

2024-2025 PTF Board

Beth DePrine

Vice President
Lisa Williams

Contact: [ptf@tkcs.org]

Corresponding Secretary
Veronica Oster

Recording Secretary
Alison Gaudenzi

Public Relations Coordinator
Ali Hoyt

Leanna Ziolkowski