Elementary School
Elementary School
The King’s Christian School has served elementary students for over 70 years. Today, King’s offers children in kindergarten through fifth grade excellent academics integrated with a biblical worldview provided by loving teachers committed to their academic and spiritual development.

A Tradition of Excellence
The King’s Christian School has served elementary students for over 70 years. Today, King’s offers children in kindergarten through fifth grade excellent academics integrated with a biblical worldview provided by our Christian teachers in a comfortable, safe, and loving environment.

A Strong Foundation
Rigorous academics are taught through a variety of methods. Traditional instruction, incorporation of technology, and hands-on experimentation inspire students to perform at their highest potential and to become life-long learners.

A Biblical Worldview
Students receive daily Bible instruction and all subjects are taught through a biblical lens. Training students with a biblical worldview gives them the tools they need to thive in all areas of life, including interpersonal relations, conflict resolution, and ethical decision-making. Most importantly, our students are encouraged to develop a life-long relationship with Jesus Christ.
Elementary Curriculum
The King’s Christian Elementary School provides a rigorous academic education and continually updates its curriculum looking for new and innovative teaching strategies to exceed state and national standards. The approach to classroom teaching is hands-on and activity-based with a special emphasis on technology. Biblical truth permeates all parts of the curriculum because God’s Word is at the core. Students are taught by godly and professionally trained and certified men and women committed to the task of Christian education. A comprehensive instructional program, enriched by music, art, physical education, computer and library are offered to the students. Browse our English Scope and Sequence and our Bible Scope and Sequence.
We are a G Suite for Education school. All students are issued G Suite accounts, upon permission from their parents/guardians, and have use of Chromebooks in the classroom.
First grade is a year of thematic study, hands-on experiences, exciting science experiments, memorable math lessons, and engaging grammar and phonics lessons. Reading skills are built and developed through both whole group and small group instruction. Math lessons use manipulatives and other hands-on activities to introduce addition, subtraction, geometry, place value, time, money, and measurement. Each week, students will learn and explore new themes with a focus on the life cycles of plants and animals, geography, holidays around the world, and more. Students are taught lessons from God’s word, where they learn about the character of God and are encouraged to exemplify those character traits in their own lives. Highlights of first grade include field trips to the farm and dinosaur museum, bat caves, Grinch day, dino-week, many fun and interactive crafts, and the Mother’s Day tea.
Second grade is an amusing academic school year! In 2nd grade, we put a significant focus on solidifying phonics skills. This will be the last year that students will be taught phonics in a whole class setting, so it is vital that students have all the tools they need to be successful readers in future years! Writing skills are also important with a major focus on writing complete and logical sentences as well as being able to complete the writing process: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, publishing. At the end of the school year, students publish a narrative story and share it with their families during our esteemed Author’s Coffee. Students continue learning addition and subtraction in Math and begin learning about time and multiplication towards the end of the school year. In Social Studies, we focus on learning about different cultures, communities, and levels of government. Finally, in Science we have units that teach about the scientific method, matter and motion, earth and space, and exploring living things. Overall, there is a great emphasis on problems and solutions across all subject areas.
Third grade is a time of transition from the lower to the upper elementary grades. We are growing in independence and organizational skills in preparation for more responsibility. We learn how to look up and apply Scriptures to our daily life as we study the life of Christ and the early church. Multiplication, division, and cursive handwriting are some of the new skills we learn. In Social Studies we learn about historical events in United States history from the Constitutional Convention through the Civil War, all from a Christian worldview. In Science we learn to be responsible caretakers of God’s creation as well as to think critically, ask questions, and test ideas. We learn about the solar system, weather and climate, the human body, the growth and structure of plants, animals, ecosystems, and the areas of physical science. Highlights of this year include going on two field trips and our amazing third-grade wax museum, which is a highlight each May. Students choose and study biographical characters who then come to life for the rest of the elementary school and our families.
Fourth grade starts by delving deeper into biblical concepts. Fourth graders begin to think critically about the claims of Christianity and to understand church doctrine. New skills for Math involve fractions, decimals, long division, geometry, and problem-solving. The physical sciences are the focus of Science, where students learn to perform experiments and record and verify their results. Novel studies for Reading include historical fiction novels such as Number the Stars and Where the Red Fern Grows, among others. Students are introduced to nonfiction research skills and writing for various audiences. In Social Studies, students learn history through project-based learning. Field trips include Sight and Sound and the Planetarium.
Fifth grade is an exciting year as students prepare to transition into middle school and take more responsibility for their education. Fifth grade focuses on strengthening the skills of each student in the areas of reading, writing, math, social studies, science, and Bible. Throughout the year, fifth grade students complete a variety of novel studies and book reports. For example, the fifth grade reads The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe and participates in Narnia day after completing the book. Other exciting projects in the fifth grade include the cell project, a Civil War project, and many others! One of our field trips consists of seeing the historical sights of Philadelphia.
Elementary art is held once a week for a period of 40 minutes. At The King’s Christian School, we view visual art as a gift from God, a unique aspect that humans alone in all creation, are made in the image of our Father, being given the ability to purposefully create. All elementary students complete projects that involve drawing, painting, sculpting, and include various forms of mixed media.
Our general music classes offer the students an opportunity to perform in both Christmas and spring concerts. The students also learn musical concepts in many ways that includes singing, playing percussion instruments, listening, and moving. In third grade, students learn how to play the recorder and perform in the Spring concert. Students in fourth and fifth grades have the opportunity to play flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, french horn, trombone, or percussion in the band.
Physical Education
Physical Education is an integral part of the total educational process at TKCS. Physical Education plays an important role in the development of the total individual. It emphasizes movement exploration, development of motor skills, fitness activities, group interaction, and rules of individual and team sports. The highlight of elementary P.E. is field day towards the end of the school year where the students get to show off everything they have learned throughout the year. Aside from physical education class, all elementary students have a 30 minute recess period after lunch.
Once a week, students have the opportunity to check out books from our library. Students in 5th and 6th grades have library class where they learn research skills and digital citizenship. Our collection is constantly refreshed, and there are always new titles to choose from.
Spanish reinforces that language is a gift from the Lord, intended to be used for His glory and to further His purposes and plans. Students learn Spanish vocabulary by listening to the language and completing different activities that incorporate all learning styles.

“The teachers are so caring, encouraging, nurturing, and validating. My children are thriving academically under their instruction. Their social, emotional and spiritual selves are growing in leaps and bounds, as well, and I am so grateful for the strong educational foundation that has been laid in order for my girls want to learn and go to school.”
Elementary Co- and Extra-curricular Offerings
Class Service Projects:
Filling shoeboxes for Samaritan’s Purse
Collecting items for the local animal shelter
Care packages to soldiers overseas
The children are always excited to help and share the love of Christ with those who don’t know Him.
Special Events
Elementary Field Day
1st Grade Mother’s Tea
2nd Grade Author’s Coffee
3rd Grade Wax Museum
4th Grade World Cultures Day
5th Grade Boy/Girl Talk
Performance Opportunities
Christmas concert chorus and band
Spring concert
3rd grade recorders
4th&5th grade band
Bricks 4 Kidz
LEGO Robotics Club
Track & Field Clinic
Elementary Basketball Clinic
Elementary Soccer Clinic
Identity Art
Servant Leaders Club
Leadership Opportunities
4th/5th Reading Buddies

Experience The King’s Christian School today!
Ready to see if TKCS is the right fit for your family? Schedule a time for your private school tour.
Questions? Contact our Admissions Office at or (856) 489-6720.