TKCS Association
The TKCS Association owns and governs The King’s Christian School. It maintains a constitution, adopts the school budget, and elects the Board of Directors. [Constitution]
The Association is committed to the fundamental principles that the education of children in the school and the home must be in accordance with the Word of God and that education is primarily the responsibility of the parents. Further, the knowledge and values taught at home need to be reinforced with active fellowship in a Bible-believing church. When the union of home and church is solid, King’s offers a unique opportunity for Christian parents to provide their child with an educational environment where values are based on God’s Word and academic subjects are filtered through the lens of the Bible.
The Association meets three times each year: September 23, 2024, January 21, 2025, and March 24, 2025. Members are briefed at these meetings on what is happening in the full school, preschool through high school, and an opportunity for questions is provided. The Association also votes on matters of the proposed school budget and candidates for the Board of Directors.
Association membership is available to Christians age 21 or older who submit an application affirming agreement with the provisions of Articles II and III of the Constitution of the King’s Christian School Association. Current TKCS parents, guardians, and employees are not required to make a contribution to TKCS for membership. All others are required to make a contribution of $100 per household for membership eligibility.
Membership applications (and minimum contribution, when required) must be received 30 days before an Association Meeting to be a voting member at that meeting. The TKCS Board of Directors reserves the right to schedule personal interviews with applicants when deemed necessary.
To become a member, complete one of the applications below.