student life
Experience the Traditions of TKCS
Scroll down to view the many traditions of our elementary and middle/high school and school events. Mark your calendars each year! Students and staff love these fun events that make our school so special.
- Back-to-School Family Picnic
- High School Day Retreat
- PTF All School Skate Night
- High School Homecoming
- PTF Night with your Knight
- PTF Thanksgiving Feast
- Elementary Grandparents Day
- Book Fair
- PTF Elementary Pancake Breakfast
- Middle School Winter Dance
- MS/HS Grandparents Day
- PTF Butterfly Ball
- PTF Easter Luncheon
- 1st Grade Mothers’ Tea
- PTF Running of the Knights
- Middle School High Note Festival
- Sixth Grade Outdoor Education
- Third Grade Wax Museum
- Senior Trip
- 2nd Grade Authors’ Coffee
- Student Council Cookout
- Art Show
- Elementary Field Day
- 100th Day of School
- Dr. Seuss Day
- Spiritual Emphasis Week

Back-to-School Family Picnic
Each year, we host a Back-to-School Family Picnic the week before school begins. This is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the new school year ahead and for new and current families, and faculty and staff to fellowship with one another.

High School Day Retreat
Once a year, high school students participate in a day retreat. The retreats are a time of team-building activities that encourage students to work together towards a common goal. They are also a time of spiritual growth, with worship and challenging messages from inspirational speakers.

PTF All School Skate Nights
Twice a year, the PTF hosts an all-school skate night at Hot Wheelz in Cherry Hill. Students and families come together for a fun night of skating, games, and fellowship.

PTF Running of the Knights
Running of the Knights is our annual school-wide fundraiser, which is sponsored by the PTF. Students from PreK through 12th grade walk/run/jog around the school during a 40-minute period. Last year, our students raised over $41,000 for much needed school gymnasium improvements.

Middle School High Note Festival
Each year, our middle school ensembles take a trip to Six Flags to perform at the High Note Festival. After their performances, the students are able to enjoy the rest of the day enjoying the amusement park.

Elementary Field Day
Near the end of each school year, our elementary students have a field day. During this day the students are led by Mr. and Mrs. Eller and our senior class in many fun outdoor activities.